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What does “piano” mean in italian

In Italian, the word piano has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are the primary ones:

  1. Slowly or Softly: When used as an adverb, piano means “slowly” or “softly.” For example, parla piano means “speak softly” or “speak quietly.” It can also refer to moving at a slow pace, as in cammina piano—”walk slowly.”
  2. Floor or Level: Piano is also a noun that refers to a floor or level of a building. For example, il primo piano means “the first floor” (which in Italy is the floor above the ground level).
  3. Plan or Project: Another common meaning of piano as a noun is “plan” or “project.” For instance, un piano di lavoro means “a work plan.”
  4. Musical Dynamics: In music, piano is used as a direction to play softly. It is also the root of the word pianoforte, the full name of the instrument we commonly call the piano.
  5. Flat or Level Surface: Piano can also describe something that is flat or even, such as una superficie piana, meaning “a flat surface.”

Each of these meanings is distinct, but the word’s versatility makes it a common and essential term in Italian. The context in which piano is used will usually make its meaning clear, whether you’re talking about a building’s floor, moving slowly, or referring to a plan or musical direction.