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What does “ciao bella” mean in Italian

In Italian, ciao bella means hello beautiful or goodbye beautiful. It’s an informal greeting or farewell, typically used to address a woman in a friendly or affectionate way.

  • Ciao is a casual way to say both hello and goodbye in Italian, and it’s widely used in everyday interactions.
  • Bella is the feminine form of bello, meaning beautiful or pretty.

Example in use:

  • Ciao bella, come stai? – Hello beautiful, how are you?
  • Ciao bella, ci vediamo domani! – Goodbye beautiful, see you tomorrow!

It’s important to note that this phrase is informal, so it’s mostly used between friends, family members, or in flirtatious contexts. Using it with strangers, especially in formal situations, might come across as overly familiar.

For men, the phrase would be ciao bello (hello handsome).