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Definite and Indefinite Articles in Italian

In Italian, articles must agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. Here’s how to use definite and indefinite articles in Italian:

Definite Articles (Articoli Determinativi)

Masculine Singular:

  • “Il” is used before most consonants, for example, il libro (the book), il cane (the dog), il bambino (the boy).
  • “Lo” is used before s+consonant, z, gn, ps, pn, x, or y, as in lo zaino (the backpack), lo specchio (the mirror), lo gnomo (the gnome).
  • “L'” is used before vowels, such as l’amico (the friend), l’albero (the tree), l’uomo (the man).

Masculine Plural:

  • “I” is used before most consonants, like i libri (the books), i cani (the dogs), i bambini (the boys).
  • “Gli” is used before vowels, s+consonant, z, gn, ps, pn, x, or y, for example, gli amici (the friends), gli specchi (the mirrors), gli uomini (the men).

Feminine Singular:

  • “La” is used before consonants, such as la casa (the house), la donna (the woman), la sedia (the chair).
  • “L'” is used before vowels, like l’amica (the (female) friend), l’idea (the idea), l’isola (the island).

Feminine Plural:

  • “Le” is used before all feminine plural nouns, for example, le case (the houses), le donne (the women), le sedie (the chairs).

Indefinite Articles (Articoli Indeterminativi)

Masculine Singular:

  • “Un” is used before most consonants and vowels, for instance, un libro (a book), un cane (a dog), un amico (a friend).
  • “Uno” is used before s+consonant, z, gn, ps, pn, x, or y, as in uno studente (a student), uno zaino (a backpack), uno gnomo (a gnome).

Feminine Singular:

  • “Una” is used before consonants, like una casa (a house), una donna (a woman), una sedia (a chair).
  • “Un'” is used before vowels, such as un’amica (a (female) friend), un’isola (an island), un’ora (an hour).

Summary Table

Article TypeFormExample
Definite Articles
Masculine Singularilil libro (the book)
lolo studente (the student)
l’l’amico (the friend)
Masculine Pluralii libri (the books)
gligli studenti (the students)
Feminine Singularlala casa (the house)
l’l’amica (the female friend)
Feminine Plurallele case (the houses)
le amiche (the female friends)
Indefinite Articles
Masculine Singularunun libro (a book)
unouno studente (a student)
Feminine Singularunauna casa (a house)
un’un’amica (a female friend)

Examples in Sentences

  • Definite Articles:
    • Il libro è sul tavolo. (The book is on the table.)
    • La casa è grande. (The house is big.)
    • Gli amici sono venuti. (The friends came.)
    • Le amiche sono simpatiche. (The female friends are nice.)
  • Indefinite Articles:
    • Un libro interessante. (An interesting book.)
    • Una casa bella. (A beautiful house.)
    • Uno studente intelligente. (An intelligent student.)
    • Un’amica gentile. (A kind female friend.)

By understanding and practicing the use of definite and indefinite articles in Italian, you can greatly improve your fluency and accuracy in the language. Happy learning!