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Ai tempi che Berta filava

Ai tempi che Berta filava
In the times when Berta spun

This idiom is used to refer to a long time ago, often nostalgically or humorously, to imply that something happened in the distant past. The phrase evokes a sense of looking back to a simpler or more traditional time. The origin of this idiom dates back to medieval times, specifically referring to Bertha of Swabia, wife of King Rudolph II of Burgundy. She was renowned for her domestic skills, particularly spinning yarn, and her period is remembered as a time of simplicity and hard work. The phrase “ai tempi che Berta filava” has come to symbolize a bygone era, evoking a sense of nostalgia for the past​.


  1. “Ai tempi che Berta filava, la vita era molto diversa.” – In the times when Berta spun, life was very different.
  2. “Quel modo di fare risale ai tempi che Berta filava.” – That way of doing things dates back to the times when Berta spun.
  3. “Non si vedeva una festa così dai tempi che Berta filava.” – We haven’t seen a party like this since the times when Berta spun.