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What does “auguri” mean in Italian

The Italian word auguri is an expression used to convey good wishes, similar to “best wishes” or “congratulations” in English. It’s a versatile term that can be employed in various contexts where one would want to offer positive thoughts or blessings.

Auguri comes from the verb augurare, which means “to wish” or “to hope for.” The noun form, augurio, means “a wish” or “an omen.” Therefore, when Italians say auguri, they are essentially extending their best hopes or positive wishes to someone.

This word is commonly used during celebrations and special occasions. For example:

  • On someone’s birthday, you might hear Tanti auguri! – “Many best wishes!”
  • During the holiday season, Buon Natale e felici auguri – “Merry Christmas and best wishes.”
  • At a wedding, Auguri agli sposi! – “Best wishes to the newlyweds!”

It can also be used in less formal situations, like wishing someone good luck before an important event, such as an exam or a job interview.

The use of auguri is often accompanied by other expressions to personalize the sentiment depending on the occasion, making it a central part of Italian social interactions. It’s a warm and uplifting term that reflects the importance of well-wishing in Italian culture.