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What does “grazie” mean in Italian

Grazie in Italian means thank you in English. It is the standard and most common way to express gratitude in Italy, used in both formal and informal contexts. Whether you’re thanking someone for a small favor or a larger gesture, grazie is the appropriate response.

Here are some examples of its use:

Grazie per il tuo aiuto. – Thank you for your help.
Grazie mille per il regalo! – Thank you very much for the gift!

The word grazie comes from the Latin gratiae, which means thanks or graces. Over time, it evolved into the modern Italian form, retaining its original meaning of expressing appreciation or gratitude.

It’s important to note that grazie is always plural in form, though it refers to a singular act of thanking. There’s no singular form of grazie in Italian; it’s always used as is, regardless of whether you’re thanking one person or many. If you want to make your thanks even more heartfelt, you can add mille (a thousand) or tante (many):

Grazie mille – A thousand thanks (or thank you very much).
Grazie tante – Many thanks.

In response to grazie, the typical reply would be prego, which means you’re welcome.