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Spezzare una lancia a favore di qualcuno

Spezzare una lancia a favore di qualcuno
To break a lance in favor of someone

This idiom is used in Italian to indicate that someone is defending or speaking in support of another person, often in the face of criticism or opposition. The phrase has its origins in medieval jousting tournaments, where knights would “break a lance” in combat as a sign of commitment and defense of honor. Over time, the expression evolved to mean taking a stand or making an effort to defend someone, much like a knight would do in a chivalrous act of support.


  1. Durante la riunione, ho dovuto spezzare una lancia a favore di Marco, che era stato ingiustamente criticato. – During the meeting, I had to speak up in favor of Marco, who was unfairly criticized.
  2. Non è facile, ma a volte bisogna spezzare una lancia a favore di chi è in difficoltà. – It’s not easy, but sometimes you have to stand up for those who are struggling.
  3. Ha spezzato una lancia a favore del suo collega, sostenendo che aveva fatto del suo meglio. – He defended his colleague, arguing that he had done his best.