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Salto della quaglia

Salto della quaglia
Jump of the quail

This Italian idiom is used to describe someone who quickly changes their position, opinion, or behavior, often in an opportunistic or evasive manner. The expression likely originates from the behavior of quails, which are known to make sudden, unpredictable jumps to escape predators. In a figurative sense, “salto della quaglia” refers to someone who makes a swift, unexpected move to avoid commitment, responsibility, or to take advantage of a situation. It often has a connotation of inconsistency or lack of reliability.


  1. Quando gli ho chiesto di aiutarmi, ha fatto il salto della quaglia e ha cambiato discorso. – When I asked him to help me, he quickly changed the subject to avoid it.
  2. Non puoi continuare a fare il salto della quaglia ogni volta che le cose si fanno difficili. – You can’t keep dodging the issue every time things get tough.
  3. In politica, molti fanno il salto della quaglia per seguire il vento delle opportunità. – In politics, many change sides opportunistically to follow the winds of opportunity.