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Rendere pan per focaccia

Rendere pan per focaccia
To return bread for focaccia

This idiom means to repay someone in kind, usually in a negative context, such as getting back at someone with a similar or worse action. The phrase originates from the idea of returning something of equal or greater value; in this case, returning a more luxurious type of bread (focaccia) in response to a simple bread (pan), implying an escalation or retaliation.


  1. Dopo che mi ha insultato, gli ho reso pan per focaccia. – After he insulted me, I returned bread for focaccia.
  2. Se mi fai un torto, stai sicuro che ti renderò pan per focaccia. – If you wrong me, rest assured I’ll return bread for focaccia.
  3. Quando mi ha tradito, ho deciso di rendergli pan per focaccia. – When he betrayed me, I decided to return bread for focaccia.