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Prendere un granchio

Prendere un granchio
To catch a crab

This Italian idiom means to make a mistake, particularly a significant one, or to misunderstand something. The expression likely comes from the world of fishing, where “catching a crab” instead of the intended fish would be seen as an error or a disappointment. Over time, it evolved into a metaphor for any kind of blunder or misstep, where someone thinks they are achieving something but ends up making a mistake instead.


  1. Ho preso un granchio con i calcoli, e ora dobbiamo rifare tutto da capo. – I made a mistake with the calculations, and now we have to start all over.
  2. Se pensi che lui ti aiuterà, stai prendendo un granchio. – If you think he will help you, you’re making a mistake.
  3. Nel giudicare quella persona ho preso un granchio: non è affatto come pensavo. – I made a mistake in judging that person: they’re not at all what I thought.