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Cadere dalle nuvole

Cadere dalle nuvole
To fall from the clouds

Is used to describe a situation in which someone is completely surprised or shocked by unexpected news or an event. It conveys the image of a person who was metaphorically “in the clouds,” unaware or distant from reality, suddenly being brought back down to earth by surprising information. The phrase suggests a state of confusion or disbelief, as if the person had no idea what was happening until the very moment of discovery.


  • Quando gli ho detto che mi stavo trasferendo, è caduto dalle nuvole. – When I told him I was moving, he was completely shocked.
  • Quando la polizia è arrivata, lui è caduto dalle nuvole, non aveva idea di cosa stesse succedendo. – When the police arrived, he was completely taken aback, he had no idea what was going on.
  • Quando mi hanno chiesto di spiegare tutto, sono caduto dalle nuvole perché non ne sapevo nulla. – When they asked me to explain everything, I was totally caught off guard because I knew nothing about it.