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Caccia alle streghe

Caccia alle streghe
Witch hunt

The phrase “caccia alle streghe” literally refers to the historical practice of hunting and persecuting individuals, mainly women, accused of witchcraft, particularly during the late Middle Ages and the early modern period in Europe and America. Over time, the term has evolved metaphorically to describe situations where a person or group is unjustly targeted and persecuted, often based on suspicion, fear, or prejudice rather than evidence. It is frequently used in political contexts when one group accuses another of pursuing unfair or baseless accusations against them.


  • Molti credono che il processo contro di lui sia una caccia alle streghe. – Many believe that the trial against him is a witch hunt.
  • L’opposizione ha accusato il governo di condurre una caccia alle streghe contro i suoi avversari politici. – The opposition accused the government of conducting a witch hunt against its political opponents.
  • Ogni volta che si verifica un attacco, inizia una nuova caccia alle streghe contro un’intera comunità. – Every time an attack occurs, a new witch hunt begins against an entire community.