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Baciarsi i gomiti

Baciarsi i gomiti
To kiss one’s elbows

This expression is used to describe someone who is extremely lucky or pleased with a situation, often because something went better than expected or they received an unexpected benefit. The phrase implies that the person is so fortunate that they could “kiss their elbows”—a feat that is physically impossible, symbolizing an exceptional stroke of luck.


  1. Quando ha vinto la lotteria, poteva solo baciarsi i gomiti. – When he won the lottery, he could hardly believe his luck.
  2. Dopo la promozione inaspettata, si baciava i gomiti per la gioia. – After the unexpected promotion, he was over the moon with joy.
  3. Se riesci a vendere la casa a quel prezzo, ti bacerai i gomiti. – If you manage to sell the house at that price, you’ll be thrilled.