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Acqua alla gola

Acqua alla gola
Water up to the throat

This idiom means “to be in deep trouble” or “to be in a difficult situation.” It is often used to describe someone who is overwhelmed by problems or challenges, similar to the English phrase “to be up to one’s neck in trouble.” The imagery suggests being in water that is so high that it almost drowns the person, emphasizing the severity of the situation.


  1. Ho così tanti debiti che mi sento con l’acqua alla gola. – I have so many debts that I feel like I’m up to my neck in trouble.
  2. Con tutte queste scadenze, sono davvero con l’acqua alla gola. – With all these deadlines, I’m really in deep trouble.
  3. Dopo l’improvviso crollo del mercato, l’azienda è con l’acqua alla gola. – After the sudden market crash, the company is in deep trouble.