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A mano a mano

A mano a mano
By hand to hand

This idiom means “gradually” or “little by little.” It is used to describe a process or action that unfolds progressively over time. The phrase comes from the idea of passing something from one hand to another, indicating a step-by-step approach. This can apply to various contexts, such as learning, developing, or improving something progressively.


  1. A mano a mano che passavano i giorni, sentivo meno dolore. – As the days went by, I felt less pain.
  2. A mano a mano imparerai tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sul lavoro. – Gradually, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the job.
  3. La situazione migliorerà a mano a mano che prendiamo decisioni più informate. – The situation will improve as we make more informed decisions.